Ajongoo family game color cube chess new strategy game from Knobelholz.de

start position of ajongoo colour dice chess from knobelholz.deAjongo the new color chess game for 4 player with dices

Ajongoo is an exciting strategy and entertainment game for 2 to 4 people who play chess with four dices ... that can be entertained very easy or very strategic game, funny and great game, just here the instruction and new game rules for Ajongoo colour cube chess ...

The new game by knobelholz.de was an idea, to give chess beginners or even professionals a new challenge. Up to 4 but at least 2 players play against each other. Each player receives 4 dice with kings of the same color. A player now has e.g. 4 dice with 4 red kings another has 4 dice with 4 yellow, one 4 green and one 4 blue kings.

Each player also has 4 jumpers (horses), towers, queen and runners in different colors and 4 fields each of the die which are colorless. In the photos, see below, all sides of the dice are shown with all the red player figures. They are meant to serve as a guide, and each player selects a color and matches the matching kings in the same color.

Ajongoo strategie wooden chess dice play cube view 1Ajongoo strategie wooden chess dice play cube view 2Ajongoo strategie wooden chess dice play cube view 3

Ajongoo strategie wooden chess dice play cube view 4Ajongoo strategie wooden chess dice play cube view 5Ajongoo strategie wooden chess dice play cube view 6


Play and start of the Ajongoo color cube chess game

Ajongoo game board without wooden game cubes

The Ajongoo Color Chess Chess is designed as an entertaining light chess game in the family and can be played with 2 to 4 people. First put the playing field on the table so that each player of the Ajongoo game sits before the side of his selected game color. The Ajongoo is for a maximum of 4 players and therefore also 4 colors to choose with which the playing field 4 different color sides possesses. The page with the two red fields on the right and one on the left (see photo on the left) is the page for the red player. On the side (now in the photo on the right) with two green fields on the right (top) and a green field on the left (below) is the game page for the green player. At the top of the photo you find the game page for the yellow player with 2 yellow fields on the left and a yellow field on the right. On the right hand side of the screen is the game page for the blue player, which can be seen on the two blue fields on the right (below) and on the blue field on the left (on the top).Ajongoo start position of the game cubes of the red player wooden game

At the beginning of the game, the game pieces are built as follows.

As an example the red player. The middle 4 squares, the respective player side, are occupied with the 4 divided dice (see above in the photo). The left-hand first cube must show a runner upwards, which matches the color of the playing field (in the photo, a green runner for the red player). On the second field stands a tower, on the third field stands a lady, and on the fourth field a king is placed. All the game figures shown on the cube above must match the color on the field where the cube is placed. For the red player: e.g. Sequence of figures green runner, yellow tower, blue lady and red king. As a second example for the green player: yellow runner, blue tower, red lady and green king. For more players, see the photo below.

Ajongoo game board with wooden cubes in starting position wooden strategie game

The game begins.

Now draw the red player with his tower two squares forward, pull the figures on the die as in chess,

(King: draws one field in all directions, Lady: draws diagonally and horizontally over several fields in all directions, RUNNER: ONLY moves horizontally across any number of fields in all directions, Springer either jumps 2 fields in all directions and Then 1 field to the left or right, or a field in all directions and then 2 fields to the left or right, tower: pulls ONLY horizontally in all directions any number of fields, pawn: pulls one field horizontally forward but hits diagonally to the right or (Attention: exception in this game the BAUER can also move sideways and backwards horizontally and also diagonally in all directions)

Stands the cube with the yellow tower on a green field. Now the cube has to be rotated into the respective color that matches the field. From the yellow tower will be a green jumper (horse) which behaves like a jumper on the next train.

Ajongoo game variant with first move of the red player

Next, the green player, to the right of the red player, moves with a red lady 3 fields forward on a red field. This figure is preserved because it is again on a red field.

Ajongoo game variant with green player second turn

The yellow player now pulls e.g. His red tower 3 fields forward on a red field where the lady of the green player stands and beats the lady. Since he also has a red play figure on his dice, this remains a red tower. If he had placed on a differently colored field, he must turn the cube into a new color (figure).

Ajongoo game variant with third move of the yellow player


Ajongoo game variant fourth yellow player's turn

Now the yellow player has a dice less. This is played until a last player still has a die that has won.

The Ajongoo game can be entertained as a social game and played for relaxation but also strictly strategic, if you look ahead the dice so that you get the figures you need for an attack.

If the game is too long to finish, or to make it more exciting, place the supplied wooden sticks on the last row in the field when all the characters have left this line to narrow the field. But this is only a CAN determination and does not have to be carried out.

Ajongoo game variant to end with limiting woods to narrow the playing field

Now we wish everyone a lot of fun while trying out and playing our new Ajongoo. We hope that with this game you have again offered something interesting ....

Here you will find the Ajongoo in the box Variant:

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