P-008 Crazy 4 puzzle solution to the traffic light game with colored cubes

Solution for the traffic light game Crazy 4 puzzle game with 4 colored dice in wooden boxCrazy 4 the traffic light for children and adults Color Sudoku color match Wooden puzzle

Four wooden cubes with colored dots, similar to a traffic light, should be sorted like this again ...

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P-192-LTS Snake Cube Level Box solution türkis cube

Instructions and solution of the Snake Cube 3x3x3 türkis of the snake cube level box

snake cube türkis from snake cube level box wooden puzzle collectionSnake  Cube Level Box solve the türkis level again make a real cube 3x3x3 from the cube snake with solution here ....

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P-192-LOS Snake Cube Level Box solution orange cube

Instructions and solution of the Snake Cube 3x3x3 orange of the snake cube level boxsnake cube level orange wood play wood puzzle wooden puzzle brain teaser

Snake  Cube Level Box solve the orange level again make a real cube 3x3x3 from the cube snake with solution here ....

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